Truth II
I am 13
In Sunday
School learning
About Presbyterian
Truth as revealed to the
Elect when I muse that all
Truth is relative to one’s own
Perspective rather than some
Dogmatic absolute irregardless
So I ask if liberty meant slavery
To Southern slaveholders did
It mean the same to a slave
Or did equal pay for equal
Work mean the same for
Both women and men
Or if the truth was a
Bit more complex
Than it is always
Wrong to steal
If your child is
Hungry and
You are out
Of cash a
Thing I
Likely to
Happen now
In our second year
Of COVID job loss and
Isolation unless we take
Care of those less well off
Than ourselves and I can
Remember shopping for
Day-old bread with my
Father then parking
In a hardware store
Lot leaving a back
Seat window open
By the loaves of
Bread and I ask
Him why? Any
One can steal
The bread.
He replies if
Anyone is so poor
They must steal bread
Then they are welcome
To take it. I am amazed at
My father’s practical truth.