Why do the heathen rage? It’s due to a lack of emotional maturity. They are emotionally still in their teens. Our goal in life is to find and marry a mate who is dependable. Don’t pick someone who rages.
Soldiers tend to win against warriors because soldiers fight as a team, whereas warriors fight for their own glory. Warriors tend to be selfish, arrogant, and concerned only with themselves. Soldiers are disciplined to think as a team. What’s best for the team. Do you take the shot or pass the basketball to a teammate with a better chance? Winning teams are disciplined by practice to think as a team. Just so in a marriage.
When we see an adult enraged about being asked to wear a mask or show their proof of vaccination, we tend to exchange glances with another onlooker, smile and shake our heads no. To rage is to lose self-control. Best not to marry someone who regularly loses their self-control even in private. They have not been disciplined growing up and will never change. They are condemned to act out each perceived wrong they feel. That’s why the heathen rage.