She is my
Other self,
I feel for
Her pains
And pleasures,
Our hearts rise
Or fall depending
On how the other
Has been feeling.
I think of her
Now and again
Through the day
And night.
I want her
To be happy,
And try to
Give her space
To live her life,
Without crowding her.
I am but a part
Of her weekly routine,
And so must
Back away.
We care for
Each other,
We communicate
As best we can,
But we lead
Separate lives.
We each have
Too much on
Our plate.
But still
Her words come
To me by
Whatever means,
As do mine to her,
We keep in touch
As we go,
Each aware of
The other but
At a distance.
It would be
Easier up close,
If that were possible,
But even apart
We grow slowly
Closer over time.
Care and trust
Carry us along,
We put each
Other first even
When it makes
No sense,
If this is not
Tender affection,
Then what is.
We will be