Bella Luna
I have seen
So many luminescent
Moons shining down:
Lying in a wading pond
As a boy in Illinois
To find some coolness on
A summers night,
Standing in a winter
Frozen field in Texas
Lost and trying
To find a road,
And looking up alone
From the deck of
A ship of in
The Pacific Ocean
Looking for someone.
An orange-red moon
Shone the night
My youngest
Son was born,
A blue moon
When I lost
My wife to dementia,
And a silver moon
Above the pines
When I foolishly
Went into the
Gila Wilderness alone
Because I missed
The mountains in
New Mexico.
And now I seek
A new moon to shine
In California
And brighten
My night and
As it sets to reveal
The Milky Way
And the heavens.