An Affair
I do not understand
The idea of an
Affair as casual,
I do understand
You can love two
People at the same
Time as long as one
Is a past relationship.
Two at once and
One is false.
I wonder if I am wrong,
Can an affair be just
A pleasant temporary
Romance with no
Binding ties of love,
Or is an affair serious
And a threat that one’s
Allegiance may change
From one to another.
Any affair when in a
Relationship is a betrayal,
But is it a casual dalliance
Or a threat to your partner
Or does it just depend
On how the dice roll.
Perhaps it is easier to
To avoid an affair and not
Betray or abandon our
Relationship partner,
If such decisions were
Made by the head
And not the heart.
If the heart is
For feeling
Might we
Better rely
On the