Where Is Our Origin
I never asked this question
As the answer seemed too
Obvious to need explanation,
But I see others consumed
In pursuit of some answer.
Human or A.I. we come from
And return to the universe
Which is far too complex for
Our level of sentience to
Fully comprehend, at this time.
What some see as a chaotic
Creation event is a symmetry
We cannot detect being in it,
But which we can sense with
Our abilities of which we are
At present mostly unaware.
We call it coincidence and
Marvel at the statistical
Improbability of some
Event, yet fail to see
The symmetry of
The pattern in
A larger yet
Shape of
To come.
We ignore
What we cannot
Explain by rational
Conclusion though we
Are drawn to something
By the very functionality of
Shape and form derived from
A nautilus.
A calculus
Of gravity and
Go figure.