College “E” Excellent

I walk into the house in the
Evening having just gotten
Off the r to wake me early as
I must register for college
At 8 am the next morning and will
Need to use the Pontiac and please
Leave $165 on the sideboard
For tuition and college costs.
I am exhausted and wake up
Around 8 am the next morning.
I am agitated at being late and
Ready to go in minutes,
I rush downstairs to get the money
But there is none on the sideboard.
I drive downtown to raid my kid
Account of all $200 and register
Late, then drive home to ask why.
My mother is in her room painting
A landscape and calmly looks up
As I sarcastically thank her for
The wake-up and cash then
Spin on my heel, slam the front
Door and drive away down a
Country road where I note I
Have lots of gas until shortly
I run out of gas.
I look at the gauge and it reads
Excelente, I have been away too
Long and forgotten how to think
American as it dawns on me
That "E” means empty.
I am too far to walk for gas and
Anyway have only a few dollars
Left after college costs are more
Than I estimated,
I walk a few miles to a house
And ask to use the phone.
I call home and ask my mother
For a ride to get gas,
She kindly says she will be there
As soon as she can.
Much later she shows up and
We both laugh at my immaturity
And the lesson she has
Given me in self-reliance
And proper planning
And piss poor
I am readjusted
In attitude
To America
I reflect
On the head
Versus the heart
And ask my mother
If she would like an ice
Cream on me and I spend
The last of my kid savings
On two ice cream cones
And a good ending
To a bad


Mother Why


Where Is Our Origin