I am assigning chores for
The next two weeks for my
Three sons ages 8, 12 and 15,
Each seeks justice in work
Distribution and justification
For a reallocation of duties.
The eldest and youngest align
To protest the middle child
Is getting off too easy as their
Mom looks over at me intently,
I respond to the two allied
Brothers that there is a reason
Their middle brother gets
This particular work assignment,
“Why? Because he has always
Been Mom’s and my favorite.”
Silence and doubt stare back
At me as the middle child
Beams and their mother smiles,
The allies protest that this is
Not true and we are teasing them
To which their Mom and I laugh
Long and hard and our middle
Son beams and smiles broadly.
We all five laugh because they all
Know we are scrupulous in the
Equality we show them in all
Things at all times.
Otherwise we would never have
Held together as a family,
They all know we hang together
Or we will not make it as a
Family and their Mom
Would be hurt and
Disappointed, an
To a few