
Bitter in our mouth is the
Remonstrance of our children,
More bitter for the truth of it.
The only answer is we were your
Parents and did the best we could
Though we admit we could
Have done more but could
Not given our circumstances.
We made choices that did not
Put you first as we had our lives
To live and cruel necessity
Limited our options.
Do not begrudge us our actions
Long ago and we will not point
Out your own foibles are
Your own fault and not ours,
We had parents who were
Not perfect and we do not
Push our faults onto them.
Accept you must haul your
Own weight and deal with
The blame your children
Will place on you as you do us.
Good reason for two parents,
Share the blame and claim
Plausible deniability.
Forgive and forget the bad,
Cherish the good and
Sleep better at night.
Be assured we did
The best we



