We are both news junkies
Keeping it on as background
So we feign outrage while
Sipping our hot beverage and
Reading or doing chores,
CNN is our online conscience
Puritanical judging as we listen.
Some times during commercials
On CNN we watch MSNBC or
FOX as a laugh just to remind
Ourselves of the absurdity of the
Far left and far right though CNN
Can be just as bad sometimes.
PBS is pretentious and hopelessly
Politically correct ad nauseam.
BBC is better if you want east
African news but not good on
Covering USA news events.
Too many of us are news junkies,
The national elections are decided
Before the west coast can vote.
Wait until all the polls have shut.
Instant news is too much news
Unless an actual danger exists
In which case it should be local
News that covers it not national.
The lack of journalistic standards
For ethical conduct and decorum
Have vanished being replaced
By info news entertainment,
If TV news is the replacement
For newspapers then skip a
Representative form of government.
And go straight to lottos or
Popularity TV shows for leaders
Of poor quality like Reagan
Or Trump or some such
Entertainment for the
Mindless TV viewers
Who abhor any
Facts as too
Far from
Views of reality
To be even considered
As the truth.
My friend told me
I was too harsh a critic
Of Trump, I replied I judged
On actions not sound bytes
Though I admitted I may well be
Wrong though I did not point
Out that she might also admit that
She might be wrong which
She did not do.
I like my news with the bark on
Rather than pre-shaped to meet
My online prejudices.
How about you?