Third Grade
We line up by our desks
To say the pledge to the flag,
This year we insert into the line,
“... one nation, indivisible, with …”
The phrase “under God,” after
The word “nation,” and I ask
My teacher who were we under,
If anyone, before this change?
She demurs and says now it is
Better and just do as I am told.
I immerse my self in the song
On Illinois’ gently rolling rivers
And the smell of Manila paper
And crayons, paints and paste.
A time to learn and explore
Behind the safety of childhood
Innocence of religion mixing
With the politics in education.
What new math and removal of
Civics and ethics will mean I am
Thankfully unaware though my
Faith in adults has already been
Shattered as they preferred faith
To questioning as a methodology
And appear to believe in their
Religion as children are encouraged
To believe in Santa Claus and
The Easter bunny.
My teacher calls the class to order
And we line up in two lines to
March to the gym for lunch
Then recess outside where we
Play to learn how to get along
With others and share toys,
A lesson some will never learn
Preferring to become believers
In the mantra of who has the
Most toys when we die wins.
They never understand the concept
That doing good to others helps us
As we are all members of society.
My teacher tells me to get back in
Line and pay attention to orders
Or I will be kept after school.
I comply but my doubts are
Anathema to my teachers,
They rely on belief in their
Infallibility and I lack faith
Preferring questioning
Which a few of my
Teachers seem
To like more
And are my