Dark Side
There is a dark side
To many children,
We have all been there
Though it is unpleasant
To remember what
Seems best forgotten.
Introductions to things
Better left for later,
Secrets never shared.
Details vary but the
Curiosity of youth
Shines through like
Sunbeams dancing
In the dusty air of
Out of the way spots
We can never forget.
We were without
Moral or ethical
Fences full of both
Innocence and insight
And staying in shadows
Of experience not pleasure,
At least at first practice.
Siblings, cousins and
Childhood friends
Without guilt but
Full of guile float up
To our conscience
From dark waters
Deep below our
Surface hidden but
Plain to see if
One looks with
And into the
I see them
When eyes meet
And all secrets are
Known between hearts
Though no details
Are necessary.
It is the same
Story in an
Cycle and we
Know each other
And fade back into
Our dark side