Clouds I

I lay on the grass at a
Secluded university building
Staring at the clouds
Move by changing shape,
Cloud-bursting or in
Simple awe of their mass
And speed and endlessness.
We move though life the
Same way leaving our
Footprints not on the sky
And not just on the ground
But on our environment
Both carbon and convivial,
We leave our mark on all
We come in contact with
Though we are most often
Unaware of the good and
Bad we do to other’s lives.
I try to be polite and
Considerate but am aware
How often I have failed.
One cloud traveled with me
For half a century happily,
Now by a miracle I have
Found another cloud who
Travels with me, loves me,
Cares for me as I do for her
And we will float along
Together happily
Sharing our
I hear she is arranging
For a stair chair to
Make a high
Way to our


Top Banana


Sarah’s Hand