Top Banana

I am 17, a Junior
In High School,
My little sister Mary
Is eight and due to
My father, is attending
The second grade in
A parochial school
Where nuns would keep
Order and enforce rules.
We siblings were Jewish
By our mother and Southern
Baptist by our Dad but
Presbyterian by compromise
As it had both guilt and Jesus.
I decided one day to visit my
Sister’s classroom to make
Sure she was OK feigning
Illness to escape my classes.
Arriving at the parochial school I
Asked to see my sister and was
Shown to an open area where
Students were drawing trees and
Found my little sister to whom
I asked who was the nun in
The yellow habit when all the
Others wore black?
1964 was the era of reform in
The Church with the Singing Nun,
Flying Nun and Nun comedians.
I asked my sister if the nun in the
Yellow habit was the top banana?
Out of nowhere a ruler slammed
Down on my knuckles and I was
Removed from the premises
After a quick goodbye to Mary.
I think back at how sweet and
Naive our society was back in the
Early 1960s and how drastically all
Changed after about 1965.
In my college classes in the 70s
Though 2015 my students asked
Me about the 60s Sex Revolution.
What were the 60s like they asked.
I told them the 60s were like the Big Bang Theory in astronomy,
There was a Big Bang
Only you weren’t


My Dear


Clouds I