Ironing Board

I am in my 30s
Working at TXDOT
As a traffic analyst
In transportation
Planning in the
Late 1980s.
It is Christmas
Week parties,
One of my
Is a Hispanic
Mother who
Mentions she
Wishes Santa
Would just bring
Her a new ironing
Board that stands up.
I think about her
Comment and on
Christmas Eve I
Purchase a new
Ironing board and
Drive late at night
With a patient friend,
To her home to lean
The box containing
A new ironing board
On her porch next to
Her front door then
Disappear into the night.
I wonder if I have the right
House but never hear any
Thing about her finding it.
I never tell anyone but
I hope it helped if needed.
So many good deeds must
Go unspoken and our
Reward is to help those
We work with as best we can,
Though family should come first.
And, the adventure of doing
Right and risking the
Consequences if it
All goes wrong.
I had the ineffable
Pleasure of giving
Without expectation
Of reward so rare
In life unless you’ve
Raised kids who
Teach us if you
Want appreciation,
Get a dog.




Mo Cushla