I am 12 attending
My sister’s wedding
Which she managed
To arrange for less
Than $50 and a near
Nervous meltdown.
We are in the church
Basement dining hall
At tables to eat the
Wedding cake and
Celebrate the event.
The groom’s mother,
A respectable church
Going lady with dignity,
Stands to give the toast,
“Father, Son and Holy
Ghost, who eats the
Fastest gets the most.”
Laughter rings out and
Pieces of cake and ice
Cream are passed around.
As I devour cake my
Appreciation for the
Mother of the groom
Grows and I feel my
Sister will be safe and fine.
She is beautiful in her
Wedding dress with her
Husband at her side.
Though I am only 12
I comprehend how the
Ceremony has publicly
Sealed the couple’s life
Together for all to see.
The importance of
Ceremony I will
Always remember
As a useful tool.