
For as long as
I can remember
Our father cut
Our hair until
We left home.
With six kids we
Tried to cut our
Expenses and
Haircuts were
An unnecessary
Tonsorial expense.
One by one we’d
Have to sit while
Dad used buzz
Clippers to drop
Thick clumps of
Hair onto the kitchen
Linoleum floor as we
Squirmed and kept
Asking how much
Longer must we sit
Enduring the buzz
Clippers followed by
Scissors then closer
Buss clipping to taper.
I stoically endured
Not caring once the
Locks were cut off,
Not so some of my
Siblings who felt
Personally defiled at
The loss of their locks.
When I moved in with
The woman I would
Eventually marry she
Cut my hair until her
Arthritis stopped our
Home hair cut sessions
For our three sons and me.
She tried her best to
Give attractive haircuts
Whereas my father viewed
It more like shearing sheep.
Easy to understand the
Story of Samson and
His loss of strength
When his locks
Were shorn
Then his
Return of
Hair and



