I am ten
It is Halloween
My sibs and I are
Back at home with
Our candy loot acquired
Over the last several hours,
My younger sibs nurture the illusion
Their candy is safe in their paper
Bag but I am wise to the cruel
World of elder sisters and our
Mom who will as soon as we
Go to sleep pick out of
Each bag the best
Items to nibble
And hide
For use
Later as rewards
And bribes to motivate us.
Unfair is too weak a phrase,
Contrary to the symmetry
Of the universe is my
Judgement and I
Am forced to
Find some
Way to
Avoid this travesty.
I decide to eat all the best
Items myself at once picking
Out the little Snickers bars, candy
Kisses, Rollos, Milk Duds, M&Ms,
With and without peanuts in
Them, the occasional Mars
Bar, Three Musketeers,
Various candy bars
With Caramel, some
Peanuts, covered
In chocolate
And one
I save for
Last fearing it
Will be filled with
Marshmallow or cream
Or worse yet maybe strawberry.
But to my surprise it is solid
Milk chocolate with no
Empty center, I am
Gobsmacked at
Such a rare
Item but
Am too
My bunny down
And am getting sleepy
So I attempt to wrap my
Prize bunny and hide it before
Falling asleep on the living
Room floor by my bag
Of rejected candies
Deemed second
Rate and so
In the Big Sisters
Wars in which I fight
A losing battle because
As I get more clever they get
Way more clever and younger
Sibs come into competition.
Next day I remember my
Bunny but not where I
Hid it last night and
I suspect my elder
Sisters of grand
Theft bunny
But they
Deny it
So I
Search in vain.
I never found that
Bunny but I did learn
That even at ten
Too much delish
Chocolate will
Result in zits
And a
Ache in the tummy.
Now I am 72 and on
A strict diet but if my old
Chocolate bunny should
Reappear I would be
Too tempted not
To savor each
Bite of milk
Chocolate letting
It melt in my mouth
On my tongue
Then biting
Off the