Man Child

I am 17 babysitting
The house in San
Antonio while my family
Is visiting relatives in
Southern Illinois,
I work at the YMCA
For a pittance in the
Snack bar and running
The game room upstairs
During the hot summer.
I am explaining a table game
To a collection of ten to 15
Year olds with my hand at
The table corner when an
Attractive 15-year-old girl
Leans forward against my
Hand with her jeans in a
Movement even I could
Not miss so I slowly pull my
Hand away and keep
Explaining the table game.
Afterwards I talk with my
Mentor Charlie Pitts the old
Man who is my friend and
Showed me how to run the
Snack bar who tells me to
Avoid the girl no matter what.
Charlie tells me about his job
Forty years earlier in the 1920s
As a trolley man and carrying
A bag of coins home late at
Night to use the next day
When a woman crossed the
Street to his side and pulled
A pistol demanding the coins.
He said he was surprised but
Called out to her that he also
Was a robber and she should
Work her side of the street
And he would work his while
Pretending to have a pistol
Concealed in his pants pocket.
Even at 17 I realize Charlie is
Blending different stories to
Make a point I should work
My side of the game room
And tell her to work hers.
I wonder what Charlie’s
Real stories were about
But he is old and I do
Not want to embarrass
Him about that pistol
He pretended was in
His pants pocket or
If the woman
Robber was
A whole different
Kind of cat.




Rehab Lunch