I am 48 camping in
The Gila Wilderness
With my wife Lindy
Who decides she wants
To hike from our camp
At 9,000 feet on the
Upper Iron Creek to
Turkeyfeather Pass a
Rise of a thousand feet and
Back today while I read
My paperback books in my
Hammock slung between
Two pine trees by our tent.
She starts after breakfast,
By midday I wonder how
She is doing and by early
Afternoon I go looking for
Her along the lower Iron
Creek but do not see her
There or the Pass trail.
By mid afternoon I am
Worried but spot her at
A stream crossing where
We begin our way back to
Our camp while she tells me
Of her alarm approaching
The Pass at the ten-foot rock
Out-cropping by the trail
And the smell of cougar scat
Hanging in the air above what
She realizes is a killing ground.
Mountain lions wait on the
Out-cropping for small animals
Like herself to wander too
Close and be attacked.
She turned back in time but
Has been looking over her
Shoulder cautiously for an hour.
That evening around our camp
Fire we enjoy the firelight,
We are both glad there is safety
In numbers, I am glad she is
Safe and will not try any more
Hikes alone in the wilderness,
She is glad I will not be lazy
Again when she wants to hike.
Only some mama cougar is
Sad to have missed a meal.
Being a couple requires
Give and take but affords
Protection, safety and
The knowledge that
Your other half has
Your back and
Cares about
You even
Than themselves.