I am in my late 20s raising
Three sons ages 7 to 13 while
My wife umpires as Christmas
Approaches and presents pile
Up under the tree fascinating
The boys’ curiosity making me
Resort to tricks I learned in the
Great Girls and Goblins War of
My childhood with four sisters
And my neutral brother David.
I hide their real presents in my
College office carefully wrapping
Three fake presents made heavy
Each with a brick rolled in a hand
Towel with several straws each
With a BB and sealed on each
End to make a mysterious sound
Along with a few old pill bottles
Full of nuts, bolts and a plastic
Bottle with a bit of water to slosh.
These elicit endless questions
From my sons as to what could
The present be to which I smile.
Christmas morning we let them
Open the fake presents first then
Pretend to find the real ones around
The room one by one youngest
To oldest their laughter based on
Trust we would not short them
On a present though the boys
Begin to mimic the tactic
Leading to some soggy
Gifts and the need to
Be careful where
We step in our
Stocking feet
Around the
Tree of
Cut from
The golf course
Woods across the street
But heavily strung
With popcorn
And home
Made ornaments.
From this fun
And games
Good boys
And fine men.