I am 16 walking after school
With my friend John on our
Way to the Sunshine Ranch
Road YMCA where I work,
Texas heat shimmers on the
Country road so we stop at a
Ball field soft drink machine
And each get a Dr. Pepper so
Cold they have ice flakes.
We go swimming then I head
To work at the concession stand
With counters both inside and
Onto the patio by the pool.
A group has gathered around the
Coach who is a friend of mine,
He is complaining of a cut of
His hours and blames the Jewish
Manager saying all Jewish
Households are dirty from sloth.
I lean across my counter and tell
Him I am Jewish and my house
Is not messy though I cannot say
As much for my half of the bedroom
I share with my kid brother David.
Coach stops ranting and looks
At me then says there are some
Exceptions like me which leaves
Me feeling like a turncoat sonder
Kommando from the death camps.
I forgive him his prejudice as he is
A good person otherwise and too
Old to change his worn spots.
Now I am old and a bit wiser and
Wonder if I am unaware of my
Prejudices though I try each day
To put being raised and having lived
My whole in the South at a distance
To gain perspective to see the wood
Despite the trees and curb myself.
I work hard to be tolerant of the
New millennium’s fads and fetiches.
I hope those I meet in life, and most
Especially the young, will be as
Tolerant of me as I was of coach.
Though correcting coach would
Have been fun it would not have
Changed him nor would he have
Listened in his agitated state.
I used to tell my students the
Saving grace of their elders was
The old and their prejudices would
Inevitably die and make way
For the pretensions
Of the young.
Though, I
Am still
To icy diet
Dr. Peppers.