I am in my late 20s
Sitting in a breakfast
Booth at a History
Convention in Chicago
Across the table from
A CIA recruiter when
It occurs to me I am
Way too close to being
Recruited as an analyst.
I am here looking for a
Job teaching history
And have accepted an
Invitation to breakfast.
He is winding up the
Interview checking way
Too many boxes positive,
He asks me if I have any
Compunctions about collateral
Damage to which I jump
To say yes, I do have
Moral qualms about
Collateral damage.
I am in my late 20s
And without compunctions
Moral or otherwise.
Really, a certain moral flexibility,
But the escape opportunity
Is too good to pass up.
I do realize what life in
DC as a junior analyst
Would be like plus my
Wife likes her job at UT.
He looks at me for a
Second then closes
My file forever.
I have come
Close to a
Life for
Which I am
Inherently unsuited.
The road divided
And I took the
Path to no
Or, at