We both have
Pills to take
AM and PM,
I take mine
But she is
Her doctor
Tells her what
To take and
When but she
Refuses to
She snaps at
My reminders,
I cajole as best
I can but she is
Adamant she
Can pick and
Choose what and
When to take Meds.
There is nothing I
Can do except
Suggest and smile
When she tells me
I glued a leg back
On her wooden lizard
Figurine but left extra
Glue and please do
Not try and fix things,
Let her handle repairs,
My clumsy attempts
Re-arranging the deck
Chairs on the Titanic
Are taxing her patience,
And yet we are in love
Which forgives our
Weaknesses and
Gives us hope
Let’s us grow
Sharing the
Good and
Bad day
By day