I flunked the
Second grade
Because I did not
Care to read See Spot
Run nor Dick and Jane,
I learned to read using
A narrative version of the
Iliad then Ulysses, Greek
And Roman mythology.
I have had a book in my
Hand or close by ever since.
History, literature and the
Classics attract me to
Bookstores around the
World and now north
San Diego county,
Searching for a
Book that calls
To me to be
Read and
We are about
To go book hunting
Right now and I wonder
If my Uncle Emerson
Would approve as
He loved to hunt,
Only I will not
Take along
A dog
Though Carol
Wants to
Take our
Dog Rosie
(Four hours later)
Which we did
And shared our
Book hunt and lunch
With our Rosie,
The pack
The pack