There is no panacea
For a panic attack,
Other to hold the
Animal human or pet tight and
Make reassuring sounds.
I have no experience
Of panic,
My reactions are
Coldly calculated
Despite my empathy
Or perhaps good manners
And entirely involuntary.
I do not understand
How a panic attack
Has evolved as a
Survival response,
Perhaps just to
Encourage running
Away though running
In circles seems
Counter intuitive.
And, if I calm the
Animal who has
Panicked then
I feel useful,
Worthy to
Be tolerated
For my vices
Which can be
Most annoying,
Like finishing her
Sentences and
Pointing out a
Better way
To do
Some task.
And, I cannot
Resist a good story,
Accompanying a friend
To a counseling session
A middle aged man stared
At my bionic leg and said
Some days are aces …
I replied some days are deuces
And he smiled then asked
Why I was in the psychology
Wing so I told him it was
Survivors guilt,
I didn’t have any.
I just cannot
Resist a