A Book
My constant companion
Always with me
Ready to
Keep me company
Entertain to drive off ennui
A folded page my guide
The stories change
Paper or hard
Bound my
Me how to avoid
An unpleasant sticky end,
To seek rather a good yarn a
Beautiful imagery a magic
Of coincidence or else
God’s fingerprints
We call history.
As I finish a
Book I try
To pass
It on to
Or fellow
Reader who
Will cherish my
Book as I do
Each new
Book I
Each day
At lunch for
All my years at
TXDOT or waiting
To teach classes I read
As I walked causing a fellow
Employee to ask me if I
Were really reading or
Just faking to which
I replied that I was
Reading but was
Pretending to
Walk to turn
With humor
What was
Asked in
Better a
Smile and
A laugh than
To explain the
Value of wisdom
Over knowledge as
The latter is only a slice
Of the pie, a brief synopsis
Of what is known at one
Point in time whereas
Wisdom is an inkling
Of awareness of
The limited
Usefulness of what
Is transitory like
Trying to stand
In the same
Wet River