Old Couple
They sit alone in the
Room for religious services
Onboard the ship waiting for
Others who will not arrive and so
I must enter and join this Shabbat
Vigil since my mother was Jewish
Though my father was southern
Baptist, I having been raised as
A Presbyterian since that faith
Has both guilt and Jesus.
The old couple look up
And smile at me as
I talk with them to
Assure them who
And what I am,
They accept
Me and we
Prayers as
Best we can
Singing praying
Sharing bread and
Wine though the gefilte fish
I taste sparingly while the
Fellowship I embrace
As my mother’s
Rejected her
And my sibs and
Myself as children
Since she had broken
The rules and married out
Side the faith though my
Father’s family had
Welcomed me as
Family each
Time I was
With them.
I have since attended
Many shabbats onboard
Ships with many old couples
And on one voyage asked
To light the first candle
At Hanukkah and say
A few words on why
And when and
Where which
Is my stock
In trade,
On the