My dear friend’s dear
Friend died suddenly and
Upon hearing of her passing
My friend shouted loudly “No!”
I am aware that grieving takes a
Unique path for each of us yet
I observe my own taciturn
Reaction to the loss of a
Dear friend and my dry
Eyed silence seems so
Passive when I hear
My dear friend say
“No, No, No”
As she shakes
In denial of
What to
Me is a
Is such an
Individual thing
Each must feel the
Anguish of loss in their
Own way and we who observe
Must accept whatever form
Their grieving takes even
If we are envious of the
Feelings we can only
Observe but not to
Feel ourselves as
Grieving in the
Solitude of
The heart
At night
Let’s no
One see
Our tears,
Only my sibs
And I know
Why this
Is our
Way of