Gospel Girls
I am 22 living in
Married student
Housing with my
Wife and three sons
Ages 1, 5 & 8 watching
Weekend morning TV on
Austin’s only channel owned
By Mrs. Lyndon Johnson which
Is showing Bible Boys and Gospel
Girls answer questions on the new
Testament thinking shoot me now
But careful to avoid sarcasm in
Front of my sons when I slink
Away to listen to NPR on a
Small pocket radio as I
Plot to mention to my
Old friend and house
Guest who is now
Researching at
The UT library
About the
Blue TV
Show of naughty
Movies starting at
Midnight called the
700 Club which is just
Another religious gabble
Fest of chatty nincompoops
Which he will realize bleary-eyed
At midnight tonight after studying
At the library all day late into the
Evening and after his midnight
Epiphany he will one day pay
Me back when a Marine
Recruiter shows up at
My door after 9 am
Since my friend
Has applied
In my name
To hear
Which was then
Followed up years
Later by talking my wife
And I into seeing Derzu Azala
A movie set in a Siberian winter,
At the cinema dressed for Austin
August weather where we froze for
Two and a half hours in the icy
Dark as I had to admit he had
Payed me back for tricking
Him into staying up late
For prurient movies
That did not exist
In Austin at that
Time ruled by
Bible boys
Gospel Girls.