History is
Twisted in
The telling,
Repetition of
A more gratifying
Reality becomes the
Accepted history current
Or ancient as self-indulgence
Trumps our mistakes by the
Retelling of what we wish
Were true even if others
Know we lie and count
On repetition to make
Us look better even
Claiming petty self
Deception helps
To make a sow’s
Ear into a silk
Foreign and
Up along
Our border
Or just across
Our border hungry,
Wet, cold, within scent
Of hamburgers and fries,
Foreign enemies treated as
Friends & truth suppressed by
Repetition of lies of success
Never achieved though too
Tempting to question by
The iceberg of lies of
Which FOX above
The water hides
The dark web
Of fears and
Fake news
& history
To be seen
As misinformation.
The empire of
The ignorant
Led by the
Fake hero
Whose Flim-flam
Trumps truth twisted
To suit the purposes of
Old white men in power.
Better to see if women
Could be any worse
For wearing Prada
Even when they
Get their fancy
Knickers in
A twist.