Oh sharper
Than a serpent’s
Tooth is an ungrateful
Child though mine have
All been wonderful to me,
Regrettably her children are
Ungrateful rude self-centered,
They refuse to say thank you for
All the kindnesses she showers
On them and cause her to be
Unhappy since she expects
Them to be polite and to
Visit her more often to
Spend some time to
Listen and help her
With the problems
Of coping as she
Does what she
Must to live so
She can enjoy
Them as they
Grow up and
Mature to be
The fine first
Rate people
She raised
Them to
They are
Far from as
Their conduct
Is selfish when it
Should be generous
In giving back the love
She has given to them all
Through all their childhood
And early petulant teens.
Why do they act so as
To hurt their mother?
I tell her they are too
Involved in their own
Lives to appreciate
How hurtfully they
Behave toward
Her and will in
Time realize
Their fault
And ask
For her
I tell her about
My mother telling
Me when I was in my
Early teens that someday
My sibs and I would miss her
As she did her mother but
We are too pre-occupied
To listen so over the last
46 years since she died
In her 50s that she was
Right and I have often
Missed her wisdom
And wit and even
Though my Dad
Has visited me
In my dreams
My mother
Has not
As my
Behavior was
Sharper than
A serpent’s
Tooth …