American morality
Which at times has
Lagged behind ethics
Seems now to have caught
Up despite the suppression of
The middle class and failure of
Education, to emerge into the
21st century strong vibrant
In defense of those virtues
Americans hold closely and
Keep in sync with our own
American character of
Irony and skepticism
Spiced with a dark
Humor on how we
Behave when the
Thin veneer of
Manners is
Torn away
By war or
And we
For who and
What we are as
A great people on
A world stage trying
To overcome poor leaders
Poor policy and poor judgement
By the strength of our national
Character and the rudder of
Our morality which I think
Has and will bring us all
Safely home in the end
As we laugh at fate
Giggle at our own
Catastrophe and
Move forward
Smiling at
The future
Because we
Can change to
Meet whatever is
Thrown at us,
Even though
The very
Do not
Morality and
Justice scythes
The high as well
As the low.