If Trump is a flaw
As the Left maintains,
Then he is our flaw as America
And I am sorry he has had to suffer
For what he thought were his best
Features as a business hustler,
To the Right he is a champion
Who says what they think
About complainers going
Home to where ever,
Women with a chip
On their shoulder,
Trump the great
White hope is
Sad in 2020
But if he is
Flawed he
Is our own
Flaw as
The Left wants
To change the way
Things are which scares
Trump supporters who do not
See what could be only what might
Go wrong and so prefer the devil
They know to the devil unknown.
So, a far Left candidate has all
The bright promise of a prison
Mutiny and no more chance
Than a fiddler’s bitch but
The Left is as blind as
The Right and only a
Moderate like FDR
Or LBJ has any
Chance to fix
Our planet
Our taxes
Our healthcare
Our infrastructure
Our broken political
Circus of party first and
Country second so we
Hope the Democrats
Will give us some
Moderate who
Will appeal to
Of our nature.