She greets me
Each morning as
She wakes with a
Smile which I return
With a kiss as I dress
In the darkness of dawn
Urging her to catch a few
More hours of sleep when I
Will see her again after a few
Cups of tea drunk a few poems
Written a few thoughts mused
And of course most crucial
Most important most of
All pressing to finish,
Feeding two cats
And one red dog
All are anxious
Not to be
But I
Would drink
A cup of tea until
The pets are all fed
And so properly greeted.
Each morning I greet
The dawn and all
Those dear to
Me though I
May not
Them awake,
My thoughts are
Never far from them.
Together they are the
Compass by which I am
Able to steer and set my course.
And, I sail on sail across
Time and space but
Careful to greet
Those whom
I love.