Why did Hillary lose,
Because she always looked
Either annoyed or else playing
To her female supporters while she
Ignored white males as part of
The basket of deplorables
She sealed her political
Fate by condemning.
Hillary stepped in
It big time and
Should be a
For how
Not to
Campaign if
You want to win.
Whoever the Dems
Run must be a moderate
Who can hold the Left and
Win over the lower middle class
Not upper middle class by
Common sense over Left
Oriented cash give-a-
Ways to those who
Have not earned
It or no coal no
Way when we
Need to find
A way to
Make it
The greatest
Help to whoever
Is the Dems candidate
Is T-Rump’s record of failure
Politically, ethically, morally and
Economically all of which the
POTUS will try to lie his way
Out of any responsibility.
Why will T-Rump lose
In 2020? Because
You can fool
Some of the
People all
Of the
And all
Of the people
Some of the time
But you can’t fool all
Of the people all of the time.
Most Americans now see
T-Rump for who and
What he is which
Means they will
Vote him out
In 2020.