It is permissible
For death to take
A holiday to sort out
Things but is it allowed
For death to fall in love with
Life when death’s job is to take
Life not cherish it as too precious
To part with even a few minutes
Of what is given to each entity.
Yet death may fall in love as
Even death has no choice
About falling in love as
Not even death can
Chose about love,
And so death if
Only for what
Is left of our
Pain of
Love lost
And so some
Empathy for all
Those death takes.
Each one plucks death’s
Heart as life is lost and a new
Metamorphosis carries us on to
Where our actions in life have
Prepared for us next and I
Wonder if we touch the
Cheek of death as we
Pass over both with
A smile for what
Might have
Been or is
To be.