
Each citizen of
Our Republic owes
Taxes not just in wealth
But also in sacrifice personal
Family and thought which is contra
To our current fad of faction first
And country second which now
Means, for too many citizens
It is more important to be
A good political party
Advocate than to be
A good citizen of
Our Republic
Loyal to the
Not a
To the extent
We put our political
Party goals ahead of
What is best for all of us,
To that extent we weaken
Our country and bring
Shame to America.
When your desire
For reparations
Or your rifle
Trump the
Course for
All Americans,
You are a traitor
To your country even
If your faction Right or
Left applaud your politically
Correct blind pursuit of what
Pleases you but hurts us.
If your political party
Fetish is hurting the
Country, then try
To break your
Addiction to
What it is
You place
Ahead of our
Great Republic.
Taxes are avoided
By the richest Americans
Whose selfish actions have
The support of those who do
Pay their share but hope one day
To be rich and able not to pay
Taxes much as poor folks in
The South backed slavery
Even though the rich
Plantation class
Sacrificed all
For their
In slaves
Claiming liberty
Equals property equals
Slaves much like our rich
Who claim liberty equals not
Taxing their property and keeping
Our working class in the poverty
Of ignorance substituting TV
For a better education
And the vain hope of
Winning the lotto
To get rich and
Pay no more



