I am alone
On Halloween
Evening in a big
House lots of rooms
So I light a candle in the
Front window closest to the
Door placing a pottery mask
To catch the moon and candle
Light with a large bowl of candy
On the outside ledge for trick or
Treaters to help themselves
But too long after dark I
Hear a knock thinking
Who lets their kids
Stay put so late
On All Hallows’
Eve so I open
The door to
See what
Is there
And I
The face
Of an old boxer
Smashed unrecognizable
By too many fights too
Many losses like a
Painting of Dorian
Grey staring at
My candle not
The candy so
I say to it
Take it.
But it walks
On into Halloween
Night and I jerk
Awake in front
Of the Silver
Screen of
The TV.