I am six fascinated
By the vacuum cleaner
Wondering how it all works
And how to empty out the dirt.
One of my elder sisters is trying
To figure out how to change the bag
Of dust and dirt when she realizes
She does not know where a new
Bag can be found so she tries
To clean out the old bag by
Reversing the process by
Using the hose to suck
Out the bag contents
But forgetting where
The mess will go
Which becomes
All too evident
When she
Flicks the
A cloud of
Dust dirt lint
Over everything
In the room including
Us causing me to laugh
And my sister to toss me
Out of the room as she does
Not want any more distractions.
I think back on the experience
From time to time musing on
Distractions and the mind’s
Concentration on pieces
Of a problem until I try
A primitive flowchart
Concept I later use
When my father
Keel hauls me
Into helping
Him wall
The dining
Room which
After doing my
Flowchart steps
Successfully over three
And a half walls he wants
To change the procedure to
Save time but I postulate to keep
To our original method as any
Change would slow our job
By learning it all over
Again and to my
He concurs
Smiling, a
Thing I
Seldom see
As a teenager.
Do we each have
An unconscious hidden
Flowchart of our life
We can sit and take
Out to check just
Where we are
As the dust
Of the
Cleaner settles
On the sticky walls
We have as yet not papered.