Dutch Girl
I am 50 working
At TXDOT studying
For an MS in planning
Sent to Des Moines Iowa
In January to ask about the
IDOT functions beyond an old
Fashioned highway department
And notice in west Des Moines as
I begin my 40-mile drive to Ames
Where the IDOT HQ is that the
Snow is falling at a 45 degree
Angle but my icy drive to the
Road north is OK as I am
Behind a battered truck
Which turns out to be
A salt spreader that
Turns back to town
Just as I am facing
The intermittent
Thump of wind
As I notice the
Vehicles on
Both sides
Of the
In snow while
My visibility is only
A few car lengths but
I know by my mileage
When I should reach Ames
Though I am aware if I miss my
Exit I’ll be driving into the snowy
Wind till I run out of gas so I am
Going only 15 mph for hours as
Visibility is only a few car
Lengths so when I’ve
Gone 40 miles I risk
An exit into the icy
Dawn whiteness
Only to discover
A Dutch Girl
Donut shop
Where they
Tell me the
Is just
Under the
Overpass so
I park and enter
With two dozen warm
Dutch Girl donuts in two
Big boxes and the dozen or
So folks there ask me if I know
There is a blizzard and ask one
Of their number to relate his drive
This morning to which he says he
Does not want to talk about it so
I say so this is what you fellers
Up here call a blizzard and all
Mutter Ahhh but I laugh and
Hold out the two dozen still
Warm donuts and we get
To work amicably as at
IDOT they have good
Character sense of
Humor and great
Hospitality but
It might help
To arrive in
A blizzard
With two
Dutch Girl
Still warm donuts.