I am eight
Eating lunch
On my screened
Porch with my sisters
Brother while our Mom
Reads Aesop’s fables to
Us stories we never forget
But a long walk from to school
So when I am accused of being
Judge-mental my response is
No I am not judge-mental I
Am a student of Aesop’s
Tales of what is right or
Wrong along with the
Lessons of the Iliad
And Odyssey both
Read out over PB
And jelly on a
White bread
With milk
And a
Of ethics
Along with
Chips installing
Software onto the
Hardware finished by
Age four so if I judge an
Action it is by these merits
And not FOX MSNBC or CNN.
I was given a vision of an
Ethical order in the
Universe above
All else so I
Call ‘em
Like I
Aren’t we
All a bit more
Nature than nurture?
If we are good it is despite
All we endure and if we
Are bad then it does
Not matter if we
Know better,
Our cards
Dealt are