I am eight,
How do you
Keep the bigger
Kids from snarfling
Out all the chocolate
Bunnies and goodies from
Around the yard leaving only
Hard-boiled colored eggs for the
Little kids, you gobble up all the
Chocolate stuff yourself or
Task the bigger kids to
Hide the chocolate so
The little kids can
Find it easily but
Making sure
The bigger
Kids do
Not devour
The chocolates.
Or, you could forget
The thrill of being a kid
At Easter getting chocolates
And instead drag big and little
Kids to a long Sunday school class
On the theological niceties of your
Particular point of view but if you
Have any awareness of being a
Kid at Easter the point in to
Find the hidden chocolate
Goodies while piling the
Cold hard-boiled eggs
On the table for the
Adults to munch.
One Easter one
Of my sisters
In her teens
To a kid’s
Query on
Why do
We all
Easter eggs
By saying it was
Because rabbits laid
Eggs to which my father
Turned to my mother saying
This girl needs to hear the talk.
All of us little kids wanted to
Hear the talk that minute
But we were told that
The Easter Bunny
Had just hidden
More chocolate
Goodies in the
Yard so we
And along
Porches in search
Of chocolate epiphany.
Hard to listen to the
Talk when your kid
Sibs voraciously
Consume any
Their tiny
Grasp should
Exceed their reach
Or what’s the point of
Hiding chocolates so high.