Are you
Your hands
Before meals,
Not touching your
Face or going out to
Dine or movies or shopping
Or visits to family and friends?
Are you isolating yourself and those
With whom you share a home like
Squirrels in their tree home safe
And warm noshing nuts as you
Stare at the TV learning to
Converse with family over
A board game cooking
Meals washing cloths
Wiping down any
Surfaces with
Lysol or soap
And water
Trying to
Calm and
Scrub along.
If you have to
Nurse someone
Give them lots of
Liquids or try reading
To them until they fall asleep
Or calling 911 if they are not better
In a few days knowing that you
Can only do the best you can
Do and no more is expected
Of you but if your loved
One is out of your
House then call
Or text them
Your love
God to
Now you
Are ready.