My friend
Has MS uses
A scooter to get
Around town and
Her house taking it
Day by day always a
Brave person doing what
She has got to do to survive.
I hope her sons will be a help
To her as she shelters in her
Place but not alone as she
Has many friends who all
Care about her texting
Video chatting and
Phoning her when
She has time to
Talk though
Just life a
Day at a
Keeps her
Busy doing what
She has to do but still
Needing others to show
Some love and caring thoughts.
I send her my poems I post on
Facebook to amuse her with
A laugh or at least a smile
Like when I sent her my
First poems in October
Of 2017 eliciting from
Her am amazed
I did not know
You could compose.
I had not written poems
For more than thirty years.