I am four
Looking at
My first box of
Mixed chocolates
Dark and milk my mother
Has allowed each of us kids
To pick one but we hedge our bets
By nibbling an end or edge hoping
To trade the rest away if we don’t
Like what we pick so we each
Hope to avoid a chocolate
We do not care for so I
Linger over the box
Hoping for a good
One picking milk
Chocolate over
Carmel a big
Smile on my
Face as I
From sibs
To trade a bite
Of mine for theirs
Learning besides the
Luck involved to be happy
Whatever you get but do
Not trade away what is
Good for what might
Be good a lesson
Endemic in our
Until a better
Though dark
Or milk chocolate,
Much like our virtue,
Seems its own reward.
I saw a bumper sticker on
A car at moonlight beach “eat
Chocolates, save the endorphins.”