Jane wrote
That sense is
Inferior to more
Rational sensibility.
Or, common sense is
Better than emotional
Sensibility so either way
Better to be rational than
Emotional or, facts over fads.
You ask why folks would crowd
To buy air jordans in the middle of
A pandemic, fad over facts, why the
Answer is a lack of rational common
Sense over impulse sensibility or, a
Trait of what? Nature or nurture?
I wonder which but in either one
The answer is those who use
Common sense and will stay
Home sheltering and avoid
Crowds gathered to buy
Tennis shoes will more
Likely survive and not
Contract and pass
On the virus until
The crowded
And fad
Stores are
Empty of nit
Wits who rush
To crowd acquire
Whatever ephemeral
Pleasure seems preferable
To their life and the lives of any
Who may be in contact with them.
Do not fret at the fears of hand
Wringers about Armageddon,
This virus even with no real
National guidelines that
Are enforced will result
In a drop in those who
Are already weak do
To old age diabetes
Immune damaged
Asthmatic faint
Diabetic fat or
Just good
You can teach
Them to be smart
But you can’t teach
Good common sense,
The covid-19 virus can.
Things will go on with just
A few face masks hand
Sanitizers distance
Settings more
Than FOX