I am 26
My three
Boys ages
11, 8 and 4
All explode on
Hearing the ice
Cream truck which
We call the ice scream
Truck wanting a quarter to
Buy an ice cream all chanting
You scream I scream we all
Scream for ice cream as
They jumped up and
Down like terriers
Until I forked up
My pocket full
Of change
For one
For myself
And my wife
Who would arrive
Home from her office
Put on her swimsuit and
Plotz into a kiddie pool in
The backyard shade as
Our sons delivered an
Ice cream to her to
Her feigned look
Of amazement
Lying in the
Cool water
Eating her
Ice cream
As the boys
Whooped and
Hollered around
The backyard waiting
For the house to cool down
Cartoons to watch as a
Supper was prepared
Either my burgers or
Pizza or a healthy
Meal by Mom as
The golden
After year.
And, the boys’
Amazement at
Their very first
Icy root beer
Ice cream
And each
One afterwards.