

I am 23
In a classroom
At the University of
Texas facing my first class
As an Evening Instructor in history
My lecture notes on the podium
My 36 plus students looking
At me and their syllabus
A situation I will repeat
Over the next 46 long
Years learning what
Works and what
Doesn’t as I
Draw a
On the
With a turkey
And a diagonal
Line telling them
If they are not into
Reading their history
Textbook or coming to
Class then drop the course.
This is not high school and
We only need 13 students
To make a class so we
Are a big unit and can
Afford casualties so
If they do not want
To participate
Then drop
My class.
Do not
Be caught
Halfway down
The block with the
Class still in their hand.
Drop now as my policy for
Incompletes is I do not give
Them except for illness or military.
I say all this humorously but I am
Serious as completion is not
Their strong point then I
Lecture them for two
Hours and twenty
Minutes setting
The stage for
Romans to
1492 and
The Aztec
Conquest by
Spain and at the
End of class they are
Exhausted and I tell them
All the coming classes I will
Ask them questions about what
They read rather than lecture
Then they file out and my
Next class begins at
8:10 pm until 10:40
Repeating this till
Just 8 pm later
In the week
3 classes
For 46 years.
They are young
But lack perseverance
Which I will help them acquire.
Teaching is not easy and
Requires strength both
Physical and moral
But the reward is
A miracle in the
Occurs and
Students grasp
Just how to get real.




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