I think of all
The young folks
I know struggling to
Make a good life for their
Family and I wonder if they
Each time they gave their
Consent along the way
Knew they were doing
The right thing in life.
Looking back over
My life the only
Really useful
Thing I ever
Did was to
Help raise
Kids. All
Else was just
So much paper.
We build and keep
In repair things to help
Make life better but the
Ultimate purpose of life is
To raise kids or help raise kids.
Art literature music and all
The careers out there are
To make it easier for the
Family to thrive so if
We keep that in
Mind it seems
Easier to give
Our consent
To walk
A clever child
Through a museum
Or gallery or sit with them
At a musical performance is
To experience the thrill all
Over again through their
Joy of learning a new
Depth to life beyond
TV cell phones
Gizmos and if
They bring a
Device with
Them ...
And treachery
Always overcome
Youth and enthusiasm.
Borrow it from them
At lunch and put
It in their water
Glass by an
Silly old Grandpa,
Inconsiderate little jerks.